


Cantonese Past

This is a list of verbs in the past tense in Cantonese. First let's start with the raw format before conjugating the verbs to the past form. Make sure to compare this table and the one below it.

To see:

To write:
To love: 愛/鍾意
ài/zhōng yì
To give:

To play:
To read:

To understand: 明白/理解
To have:
To know: 知道
To learn:
To think:
To work: 做野
zuò yě
To speak:
To drive: 揸車
zhā chē
To smile:
To find:

These samples show how the verbs above are conjugated in the past tense in a sentence which includes all the object pronouns (I, you, she...).

I saw you: 我(之前)見過你
wǒ (zhīqián) jiànguò nǐ
I wrote with a pen: 我(以前)用枝筆寫字。
wǒ (yǐqián) yòng zhī bǐ xiě zì.
You loved apples: 你(以前)鍾意蘋果
Nǐ (yǐqián) zhōng yì píngguǒ
You gave money: 你(以前)俾過錢
nǐ (yǐqián) bǐguò qián
You played tennis: 你(以前)打過網球
nǐ (yǐqián) dǎguò wǎngqiú
He read (past) a book: 佢(以前)睇過本書
qú (yǐqián) dìguò běnshū
He understood me: 佢(以前)明白我
qú (yǐqián) míngbái wǒ
She had a cat: 佢(以前)有隻貓
qú (yǐqián) yǒu zhī māo
She knew my friend: 佢(以前)識我嘅朋友
qú (yǐqián) shí wǒ kǎi péngyǒu
We wanted to learn: 我哋(以前)想學
wǒ diè (yǐqián) xiǎng xué
We thought Spanish is easy: 我哋(以前)覺得西班牙文好易
wǒ diè (yǐqián) juédé xībānyá wén hǎo yì
You (plural) worked here: 你哋(以前)喺度做野
nǐ diè (yǐqián) xì dù zuò yě
You (plural) spoke French: 你哋(以前)講法文
nǐ diè (yǐqián) jiǎngfǎ wén
They drove a car: 佢哋(以前)揸車
qú diè (yǐqián) zhā chē
They smiled: 佢哋(以前)笑
qú diè (yǐqián) xiào

After the past tense in Cantonese, make sure to check the other tenses (present, and future), which we hope you enjoyed. You can also choose your own topic from the menu above.

Cantonese Present TensePrevious lesson:

Cantonese Present

Next lesson:

Cantonese Future

Cantonese Future Tense