


Cantonese Mistakes

This is a list of mistakes in Cantonese. Helpful when trying to learn a new word. Also useful when there is a misunderstanding or confusion.

My French is bad: 我啲法文好差
wǒ dì fǎwén hǎo chà
I need to practice my French: 我要練習講法文
wǒ yào liànxí jiǎngfǎwén
Don't worry!: 唔駛擔心
wú shǐ dānxīn
Excuse me? : 唔好意思
wú hǎoyìsi
Sorry: 對唔住
duì wú zhù
No problem!: 冇問題
mǎo wèntí
Can you repeat?: 可唔可以講多次?
kě wú kěyǐ jiǎng duō cì?
Can you speak slowly?: 可唔可以講慢啲
Kě wú kěyǐ jiǎng màn dì
Write it down please!: 唔該寫低
wú gāi xiě dī
I don't understand!: 我唔明
wǒ wú míng
Did you understand what I said?: 你明唔明我講咩?
nǐ míng wú míng wǒ jiǎng miē?
What is this?: 呢樣係咩嘢?
Ne yàng xì miē yě?
I don't know!: 我唔知
Wǒ wú zhī
What's that called in French?: 呢樣嘢法文點講?
ne yàng yě fǎwén diǎn jiǎng?
What does that word mean in English?: 嗰個字英文點解?
Gè gè zì yīngwén diǎn jiě?
How do you say "OK" in French?: 法文 OK 點樣講?
Fǎwén OK diǎn yàng jiǎng?
Is that right?: 啱唔啱?
Yān wú yān?
Is that wrong?: 係咪唔啱?
Xì mī wú yān?
What should I say?: 我應該講咩?
Wǒ yīnggāi jiǎng miē?
What?: 咩話?
Miē huà?

These are some words from the above sentences that you might also need to use by themselves.

Mistake: 錯誤
To speak: 講嘢
jiǎng yě
Slowly: 慢慢
màn man
Quickly: 好快
hǎo kuài

Hopefully the expressions for mistakes in Cantonese can help you clear some misunderstanding and allow you to ask questions. Check out the next topic below or choose your own subject from the menu above.

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