


Languages in Cantonese

This is a list of some common languages in Cantonese. This lesson is complementary to our other 2 pages: Nationality and Countries.

English: 英文
Arabic: 阿拉伯話
ālābó huà
Chinese: 中文
Brazilian: 巴西話
bāxī huà
French: 法文
German: 徳文
Greek: 希臘話
xīlà huà
Hebrew: 希伯來話
xī bó lái huà
Hindi: 印度話
yìndù huà
Irish: 愛爾蘭文
ài'ěrlán wén
Italian: 意大利文
yìdàlì wén
Japanese: 日文
Korean: 韓文
Latin: 拉丁文
lādīng wén
Persian: 波斯話
bōsī huà
Portuguese: 葡萄牙文
pútáoyá wén
Russian: 俄文
é wén
Spanish: 西班牙文
xībānyá wén
Swedish: 瑞典文
ruìdiǎn wén
Urdu: 烏都語
wū dū yǔ

Now we will put some of the words above into a sentence which you might use in a regular conversation. All you need is to swap languages but keep the same sentence structure.

I speak Italian: 我講意大利文
wǒ jiǎng yìdàlì wén
I want to learn Spanish: 我想學西班牙文
wǒ xiǎng xué xībānyá wén
My mother tongue is German: 我嘅母語係德文
wǒ kǎi mǔyǔ xì dé wén
I love the Japanese language: 我鍾意日文
wǒ zhōngyì rìwén
I don't speak Korean: 我唔識講韓文
wǒ wú shí jiǎng hánwén
Spanish is easy to learn: 西班牙文好易學
xībānyá wén hǎo yì xué

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Cantonese Nationalities

Cantonese Nationalities