


Languages in Estonian

This is a list of some common languages in Estonian. This lesson is complementary to our other 2 pages: Nationality and Countries.

English: inglise keel
Arabic: araabia keel
Chinese: hiina keel
Brazilian: portugali keel
French: prantsuse keel
German: saksa keel
Greek: kreeka keel
Hebrew: Heebrea keel
Hindi: hindi keel
Irish: iiri keel
Italian: itaalia keel
Japanese: jaapani keel
Korean: korea keel
Latin: ladina keel
Persian: pärsia keel
Portuguese: portugali keel
Russian: vene keel
Spanish: hispaania keel
Swedish: rootsi keel
Urdu: urdu keel

Now we will put some of the words above into a sentence which you might use in a regular conversation. All you need is to swap languages but keep the same sentence structure.

I speak Italian: Ma räägin itaalia keelt
I want to learn Spanish: Tahan õppida hispaania keelt
My mother tongue is German: Mu emakeel on saksa keel
I love the Japanese language: Armastan jaapani keelt
I don't speak Korean: Ma ei oska korea keelt / ma ei räägi korea keelt
Spanish is easy to learn: Hispaania keelt on lihtne õppida

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Estonian Nationalities

Estonian Nationalities