


Estonian Adjectives

This is a list of adjectives in Estonian. This can enable you describe different sizes and a variety of qualities such as (easy, difficult...).

Big: suur
Small: väike
Long: pikk
Short: lühike
Tall: pikk
Thick: paks
Thin: õhuke
Wide: lai

This table provides a list of adjectives of quality shown below. These are some of the most used adjectives in Estonian.

Bad: halb
Good: hea
Easy: lihtne
Difficult: keeruline / raske
Expensive: kallis
Cheap: odav
Fast: kiire
Slow: aeglane
Old: Vana / eakas
Old: vana
Young: noor
New: uus
Heavy: raske
Light: kerge
Empty: tühi
Full: täis
Right: õige
Wrong: vale
Strong: tugev / võimas
Weak: nõrk

These samples show how adjectives are used in Estonian. Used in these examples with nouns, prepositions and pronouns.

Is this a new or old book?: Kas see on uus või vana raamat?
Is the test easy or difficult?: Kas see test on kerge või raske / keeruline?
Am I right or wrong?: Kas mul on õigus või mitte?
This is very expensive: See on väga kallis
Is he younger or older than you?: Kas ta on sinust noorem või vanem?
Is she tall?: On ta pikk?

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