


French Imperative

Here are examples for the imperative in French. This includes expressions of making requests, giving orders or simply asking someone to do something.

Go!: Allez-y!
Stop!: Arrêtez!
Don't Go!: N'allez pas!
Stay!: Restez!
Leave!: Sortez!
Come here!: Venez ici!
Go there!: Allez-y!
Enter (the room)!: Entrez!
Speak!: Parlez!
Be quiet!: Taisez-vous!
Turn right: Tournez à droite
Turn left: Tournez à gauche
Go straight: Allez tout droit
Wait!: Attendez!
Let's go!: Allons-y!
Be careful!: Faîtes attention!
Sit down!: Asseyez-vous!
Let me show you!: Laissez-moi vous montrer!
Listen!: Écoutez!
Write it down!: Notez-le!

Now that you have explored the imperative in French, let's move on to the next subject below. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.

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French Comparative

French Comparative