


Romanian Adverbs

This is a list of adverbs in Romanian. This includes adverbs of time, place, manner and frequency. Which sums up most of what you need for daily use.

Now: acum
Later: mai tarziu
Tonight: în seara aceasta
Last night: aseară
This morning: în această dimineaţă
Yesterday: ieri
Today: astăzi
Tomorrow: mâine
Next week: săptămâna viitoare
Already: deja
Recently: de curând
Lately: în ultimul timp
Soon: în curând
Immediately: imediat
Still: în continuare
Yet: încă

After the above adverbs of time, now we move on to adverbs of place.

Here: aici
There: acolo
Everywhere: pretutindeni
Anywhere: oriunde

Now adverbs of manners, used to describe how something happens. They are usually placed after the main verb.

Carefully: cu grijă
Alone: singur
Very: foarte
Really: într-adevăr
Quickly: repede
Slowly: încet
Almost: aproape
Together: împreună

These are adverbs of frequency, which are used to answer the question "how often?".

Always: mereu
Sometimes: uneori
Rarely: rareori
Never: niciodată

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