Hungarian Fruits & Vegetables
This is a list of fruits and vegetables in Hungarian. Knowing these plants can be helpful when shopping in a grocery store or even restaurant.
Lemons: citrom
Apples: alma
Oranges: narancs
Peaches: barack
Figs: füge
Pears: körte
Pineapples: ananász
Grapes: szőlő
Strawberries: eper |
Bananas: banán |
Watermelon: görögdinnye |
Avocados: avokádó |
Now here is the list of some commonly used vegetables:
Carrots : sárgarépa
Corn: kukorica
Cucumbers: uborka
Garlic: fokhagyma
Lettuce: saláta
Olives: olívabogyó
Onions: hagyma
Peppers: paprika
Potatoes: burgonya |
Pumpkin: tök |
Beans: bab |
Tomatoes: paradicsom |
The following sentences include some fruits and vegetables mentioned above to show you how you can use them in your daily conversation.
This fruit is delicious: Ez a gyümölcs finom
Vegetables are healthy: A zöldség egészséges
I like bananas: Szeretem a banánt
I don't like cucumber: Nem szeretem az uborkát
Bananas taste sweet: A banán édes |
Lemons taste sour: A citom savanyú |
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