


Somali Travel

This is a list of travel in Somali. It will come in handy when landing at the airport or answering tourism and business questions.

Airplane: Diyaarad
Airport: Garoonka diyaaradaha
Bus: Bas
Bus station: Meesha baska laga raaco / Istaanka
Car: Baabuur / Gaari
Flight: Duulimaad
For business: Ku saabsan baayac mushtar
For pleasure: Raaxo / Dalxiis ku saabsan
Hotel: Hoteel
Luggage: Boorsooyin
Parking: Gaadhiga meesha la dhigto
Passport: Baasaboor
Reservation: Carbuunasho
Taxi: Tagsi
Ticket: Boono
Tourism: Dalxiis
Train: Tareen
Train station: Meesha tareenka laga raaco
To travel: In la safro
Help Desk: Miiska la iska caawiyo

Now we will use the Somali words above in different sentences related to tourism and travel.

Do you accept credit cards?: Karedit Kaar ma aqbashaa / ma qaadataa?
How much will it cost?: Meequu beecu noqon doonaa?
I have a reservation: Balan baan sameystay / boos celis
I'd like to rent a car: Waxaan jeclahay inaan gaari ijaarto
I'm here on business/ on vacation.: Waxaan halkan u joogaa baayacmushtarnimo / dalxiis
Is this seat taken?: Kursigaan miyaa lagu fadhiyaa?

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