


Persian Jobs

This is a list of jobs in Persian. This will help you describe what you do for a living. It is especially useful when introducing yourself.

Doctor: دکتر
Policeman: پلیس
Teacher: معلم
Businessman: مرد تاجر
mrd tạjr
Student: دانش آموز / دانشجو
dạnsẖ ậmwz / dạnsẖjw
Singer: خواننده
Engineer: مهندس
Artist: بازیگر / هنرپیشه
bạzy̰gr / hnrpy̰sẖh
Actor: هنرپیشه / بازیگر (مرد)
hnrpy̰sẖh / bạzy̰gr (mrd)
Actress: هنر پیشه / بازیگر (زن)
hnr py̰sẖh / bạzy̰gr (zn)
Nurse: پرستار
Translator: مترجم

These examples will help you answer the question "What do you do?" or "What do you do for a living?". Note how the personal pronouns are used with the nouns in this sentence.

I'm looking for a job: من به دنبال یافتن شغل هستم
mn bh dnbạl y̰ạftn sẖgẖl hstm
I'm an artist: من يک هنرمند هستم
mn yḵ hnrmnd hstm
He is a policeman: او یک افسر پلیس است
ạw y̰ḵ ạfsr ply̰s ạst
She is a singer: او یک خواننده است
ạw y̰ḵ kẖwạnndh ạst
I'm a new employee: من کارمند جديد هستم
mn ḵạrmnd jdyd hstm
I have a long experience: من تجربه ی زیادی دارم
mn tjrbh y̰ zy̰ạdy̰ dạrm

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