


Khmer Gender

This page discusses the gender in Khmer. Below is a list of masculine (man) and feminine (woman) words. We picked the most popular ones.

Boy: កេ្មងប្រុស
ke m ng brosa
Girl: កេ្មងស្រី
ke m ng srei
Man: បុរស
Woman: ស្រ្តី
Father: ឳពុក
Mother: ម្តាយ
Brother: បង / ប្អូនប្រុស
bng / baaunobrosa
Sister: បង / ប្អូនស្រី
bng / baaunosrei
Actor: តួកុនប្រុស
tuokon brosa
Actress: តួកុនស្រី
tuokon srei
Cat (m): ឆ្មា (ឈ្មោល)
chhma ( chhmol)
Cat (f): ឆ្មា (ញី)
chhma ( nhi)

These examples show a sentence with both genders (masculine or feminine). The list includes the use of nouns, adjectives and pronouns.

He is tall: គាត់ខ្ពស់
keat khpasa
She is tall: នាងខ្ពស់
neang khpasa
He is a short man: គាត់ជាបុរសទាប
keat chea borsa teab
She is a short woman: នាងជាស្ត្រីទាប
neang chea strei teab
He is German: គាត់ជាជនជាតិអាល្លឺម៉ង់
keat chea choncheate allumng
She is German: នាងជាជនជាតិអាល្លឺម៉ង់
neang chea choncheate allumng
Japanese men are friendly: បុរសជប៉ុនជាមនុស្សរាក់ទាក់
borsa chbon chea mnoussa reakteak
Japanese women are friendly: ស្ត្រីជប៉ុនជាមនុស្សរាក់ទាក់
strei chbon chea mnoussa reakteak

Now that you have explored the gender in Khmer, let's move on to the next subject below. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Khmer Plural

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Khmer Pronouns

Khmer Pronouns