


Italian Present

This is a list of verbs in the present tense in Italian. First let's start with the raw format before conjugating the verbs to the present form. Make sure to compare this table and the one below it.

To see: Vedere
To write: Scrivere
To love: Amare
To give: Dare
To play: Giocare (or) Suonare (or) Recitare
To read: Leggere
To understand: Capire
To have: Avere
To know: Sapere
To learn: Imparare
To think: Pensare
To work: Lavorare
To speak: Parlare
To drive: Guidare
To smile: Sorridere
To find: Trovare

These samples show how the verbs above are conjugated in the present tense in a sentence which includes all the object pronouns (I, you, she...).

I see you: Ti vedo
I write with a pen: Scrivo con una penna
You love apples: Ti piacciono le mele
You give money: Tu dai del denaro
You play tennis: Tu giochi a tennis
He reads a book: Lui legge un libro
He understands me: Lui mi capisce
She has a cat: Lei ha un gatto
She knows my friend: Lei conosce il mio amico
We want to learn: Noi vogliamo imparare
We think Spanish is easy: Noi pensiamo che lo spagnolo sia facile
You (plural) work here: Voi lavorate qui
You (plural) speak French: Voi parlate francese
They drive a car: Loro guidano una macchina
They smile: Loro sorridono

After the present tense in Italian, make sure to check the other tenses (past, and future), which we hope you enjoyed. You can also choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Italian Verbs

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Italian Past

Italian Past Tense