


Countries in Flemish

This is a list of some popular countries in Flemish. It is a nice addition to our other 2 pages: Languages and Nationalities.

Britain: Groot-Brittannië
Morocco: Marokko
China: China
Brazil: Brazilië
America: Amerika
France: Frankrijk
Germany: Duitsland
Greece: Griekenland
Israel: Israël
India: India
Ireland: Ierland
Italy: Italië
Japan: Japan
Korea: Korea
Iran: Iran
Portugal: Portugal
Russia: Rusland
Spain: Spanje
Sweden: Zweden
Pakistan: Pakistan

Now we will put some of the words above into a sentence which you might use in a regular conversation about nations. All you need is to swap the countries but keep the same sentence structure.

I live in America: Ik woon in Amerika.
I want to go to Germany: Ik wil naar Duitsland gaan.
I came from Spain: Ik kom uit Spanje.
I was born in Italy: Ik ben geboren in Italië.
Japan is a beautiful country: Japan is een mooi land.
Have you ever been to India?: Bent u ooit al in India geweest?

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