


Farsi Past

This is a list of verbs in the past tense in Farsi. First let's start with the raw format before conjugating the verbs to the past form. Make sure to compare this table and the one below it.

To see: دیدن
To write: نوشتن
To love: دوست داشتن
dwst dạsẖtn
To give: دادن
To play: بازی کردن
bạzy̰ ḵrdn
To read: خواندن
To understand: فهمیدن
To have: داشتن
To know: دانستن
To learn: یاد گرفتن
y̰ạd grftn
To think: فکر کردن
fḵr ḵrdn
To work: کار کردن
ḵạr ḵrdn
To speak: صحبت کردن
ṣḥbt ḵrdn
To drive: رانندگی کردن
rạnndgy̰ ḵrdn
To smile: لبخند زدن
lbkẖnd zdn
To find: پیدا کردن
py̰dạ ḵrdn

These samples show how the verbs above are conjugated in the past tense in a sentence which includes all the object pronouns (I, you, she...).

I saw you: من تو را دیدم
mn tw rạ dy̰dm
I wrote with a pen: با یک خودکار می‌نوشتم
bạ y̰ḵ kẖwdḵạr my̰‌nwsẖtm
You loved apples: تو سیب دوست داشتی
tw sy̰b dwst dạsẖty̰
You gave money: تو پول دادی
tw pwl dạdy̰
You played tennis: تو تنیس بازی کردی
tw tny̰s bạzy̰ ḵrdy̰
He read (past) a book: او کتابی را خواند
ạw ḵtạby̰ rạ kẖwạnd
He understood me: او من را درک می‌کرد
ạw mn rạ drḵ my̰‌ḵrd
She had a cat: او گربه‌ای داشت
ạw grbh‌ạy̰ dạsẖt
She knew my friend: او دوست من را می‌شناخت
ạw dwst mn rạ my̰‌sẖnạkẖt
We wanted to learn: ما می‌خواستیم یاد بگیریم
mạ my̰‌kẖwạsty̰m y̰ạd bgy̰ry̰m
We thought Spanish is easy: ما فکر می‌کردیم اسپانیولی آسان است
mạ fḵr my̰‌ḵrdy̰m ạspạny̰wly̰ ậsạn ạst
You (plural) worked here: شما اینجا کار می‌کردید
sẖmạ ạy̰njạ ḵạr my̰‌ḵrdy̰d
You (plural) spoke French: شما فرانسه صحبت می‌کردید
sẖmạ frạnsh ṣḥbt my̰‌ḵrdy̰d
They drove a car: آن‌ها ماشینی را می‌راندند
ận‌hạ mạsẖy̰ny̰ rạ my̰‌rạndnd
They smiled: آن‌ها لبخند می‌زدند
ận‌hạ lbkẖnd my̰‌zdnd

After the past tense in Farsi, make sure to check the other tenses (present, and future), which we hope you enjoyed. You can also choose your own topic from the menu above.

Farsi Present TensePrevious lesson:

Farsi Present

Next lesson:

Farsi Future

Farsi Future Tense