


Danish Directions

These are expressions used when giving or getting directions in Danish. Very useful when trying to find your way around or when lost.

Excuse me! (to ask someone): Undskyld!
Can you show me?: Kan du vise mig?
I'm lost: Jeg er faret vild
I'm not from here: Jeg kommer ikke herfra
Can I help you?: Må jeg hjælpe dig?
Can you help me?: Kan du hjælpe mig?
It's near here: Det er i nærheden
It's far from here: Det er langt væk
Go straight: Gå lige ud
Turn left: Drej til venstre
Turn right: Drej til højre
One moment please!: Lige et øjeblik!
Come with me!: Kom med mig!
How can I get to the museum? : Hvordan kommer jeg til museet?
How long does it take to get there?: Hvor lang tid tager det at komme derhen?
Downtown (city center): Centrum

The following are words which might be used alone or in combination with other words to ask or give directions.

Near: Nær
Far: Langt væk (fjernt)
Right: Højre
Left: Venstre
Straight: Lige ud
There: der
Here: her
To walk: At gå
To drive: At køre
To turn: At dreje
Traffic light: Trafiksignal

We hope you will not need to ask for directions in Danish. If you do need help then the above sentences are essential. Check our menu above to select another topic or click the "Next" button to view the next lesson.

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