


Catalan Survival

This is a list of survival in Catalan. Helpful in an emergency and can be a life saver. We are including both words and sentences at the bottom.

Headache: mal de cap
Stomach ache: mal de panxa
Medicines: medicaments
Pharmacy: farmàcia
Doctor: metge
Ambulance: ambulància
Hospital: hospital
Help me: ajudeu-me
Poison: verí
Accident: accident
Police: policia
Danger: perill
Stroke: cop
Heart attack: Atac de cor
Asthma: Asma
Allergy: Al·lèrgia

These phrases deal with different types of emergencies. We recommend memorizing them in case you need them for yourself or to help someone.

Call the police!: truca a la policia!
Call a doctor!: truca al metge!
Call the ambulance!: truca a una ambulància!
I feel sick: estic marejat / marejada
Where is the closest pharmacy?: on és la farmàcia més a prop?
It hurts here: Em fa mal aquí
Are you okay?: estàs bé?
It's urgent!: És una urgència!
Calm down!: Tranquil·litza't!
Stop!: Para!
Fire!: Foc!
Thief!: Lladre!

The above survival words in Catalan could be a life saver in emergencies. Now make sure you check out the next topic below or choose your own subject from the menu above.

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